Sunday, March 15, 2009

Day five

Dear Journal

The effect of that village I don't think will ever leave me. It was really disgusting seeing all those dead bodies killed by the loyalists. They just killed them for no reason. They weren't soldiers the loyalists were just there to kill them so they could set an example to us, the real soldiers. I just can't shake the feeling that that village could have been mine and everyone I know from the village could be dead. I have no idea what has happened to my village. I mean they could be living just like usual trying to find food. Or they could be dead killed by loyalists or dead from starvation. Also the village that had been killed weren't killed straight away. They were tortured, an entire village tortured and killed just to make an example. Now I finally understand which side is obviously the good side in this war. The revolution fight for the people. The loyalists fight for themselves and use everyone else to get at the revolution. They don't care for us they just care for themselves and that is why we fight against them. I was so sad looking at the dead village that I was really happy when we actually found that someone was alive. And that I had redeemed myself for failing to kill the loyalist. And then the boy that I had seen that looked like my baby brother. As soon as I saw him I remembered about my life back at the village and everything I knew. The picture of that dead boy on the ground will never leave me. The village and the dead people on the ground that will never leave me, I will never forget about that village.